Here a few shots from the Chicago, and don't forget the video!
Thoughts from the Ben & Jerry's state
My life in Vermont, U.S. 2011/2012.
søndag den 15. april 2012
I'm sitting here sunday night with my 2nd host family on their couch in the TV room (where I always would sit and relax), after a nice Italian dinner. Almost dead, I can look back at 4 great days! After months and months of work on the musical Chicago, we finally had the 4 days of performance the last few days. It was one of the best experiences I've had this year. I loved it soo much! The crew became a family to me and every single night was amazing. I could do this for weeks, haha! But now I will have much more time to focus on my photo projects and hangout with friends, which I'm looking forward to, because I officially have less than 75 days left. It's exciting but also extremly sad! In 5 days I'm leaving for Florida and after that a weekend trip to Boston. Not many weekends left that are not already planned. I can't wait to finally get to hangout with my host family and experience the warm south!
Here a few shots from the Chicago, and don't forget the video!
Here a few shots from the Chicago, and don't forget the video!
søndag den 25. marts 2012
Photo project
The past few weeks have been great. My mood is just completly different, it's great. I feel much more happy and open for new things. A part of it is the music I've been lisitening to, which also has given me a lot of inspiration to my projects. Especially my photo project, I've been working on the last two weeks. I just finished them this friday, I hope you like them.
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Marie-lo the french exchange student as model in this doll-looking picture. |
torsdag den 8. marts 2012
New start
Hey my fellow friends!
If you're still there I'm pretty impressed because I haven't been much of a blogger the last few months. I'm sorry, after christmas I was busy and not as inspired as the first few months. This has nothing to do with where I live, but simply because being in High School became an everyday routine. Then a few weeks ago a new semester started, my family came, winter break, new hostfamily. In short everything happened. Even too much good and bad stuff. When my family left I found out that my grandfather was going to die during this week and two days after he passed away. A few very emotional days I've had, but I feel ready to keep on living my life in Vermont now. This has made me realize how much I love it here, but also how much family means to me. Only a few months left and I'm back in Denmark, so I'm ready to get most out of it. My new family has even talked about bringing me to Florida during spring break! This hopefully means that I will be posting MUCH more stuff on my blog. Anyways, I just thought you should get an update on my life here.
If you're still there I'm pretty impressed because I haven't been much of a blogger the last few months. I'm sorry, after christmas I was busy and not as inspired as the first few months. This has nothing to do with where I live, but simply because being in High School became an everyday routine. Then a few weeks ago a new semester started, my family came, winter break, new hostfamily. In short everything happened. Even too much good and bad stuff. When my family left I found out that my grandfather was going to die during this week and two days after he passed away. A few very emotional days I've had, but I feel ready to keep on living my life in Vermont now. This has made me realize how much I love it here, but also how much family means to me. Only a few months left and I'm back in Denmark, so I'm ready to get most out of it. My new family has even talked about bringing me to Florida during spring break! This hopefully means that I will be posting MUCH more stuff on my blog. Anyways, I just thought you should get an update on my life here.
"Humans come and go
but what's important is the soul -
the memories they leave behind
they will stay here forever so let them shine"
but what's important is the soul -
the memories they leave behind
they will stay here forever so let them shine"
lørdag den 11. februar 2012
It really is something isn't it...?
Hey there!
I haven't been writing my blog since a long time, like a very long time. But overall Vermont is something special and I love it here! I've stayed at a family called the Russo's for the past two months (my second host family) and I love them. They're like the real American family I imagined and I always wanted to live in (I bet my host family would laugh at me for writing this). A very smart host dad that literally knows EVERYTHING and I often chat with him, a really sweet host mom and a great host sister. Times have been busy though and we haven't travelled a lot, but I've been really busy myself, with midterms, alpine ski team, musical etc. And not to mention my real family is coming in only 5 days! I feel like it's a perfect time for them to see Vermont. I'm at the part of my exchange where I realize how great my year has been so far and how great Vermont is, so it couldn't be a better time for me, to share my experience with them. The snow hasn't been nice this year, in fact the Vermonters are talking about the worst winter in 20 years, but that's an experience in itself too! Next week I will be heading to D.C. with my family and then after they leave one week till I change host family again. Well I just thought you guys should get a little peak into my life again, before I'm heading back home (yeah, time flies by here!).
I haven't been writing my blog since a long time, like a very long time. But overall Vermont is something special and I love it here! I've stayed at a family called the Russo's for the past two months (my second host family) and I love them. They're like the real American family I imagined and I always wanted to live in (I bet my host family would laugh at me for writing this). A very smart host dad that literally knows EVERYTHING and I often chat with him, a really sweet host mom and a great host sister. Times have been busy though and we haven't travelled a lot, but I've been really busy myself, with midterms, alpine ski team, musical etc. And not to mention my real family is coming in only 5 days! I feel like it's a perfect time for them to see Vermont. I'm at the part of my exchange where I realize how great my year has been so far and how great Vermont is, so it couldn't be a better time for me, to share my experience with them. The snow hasn't been nice this year, in fact the Vermonters are talking about the worst winter in 20 years, but that's an experience in itself too! Next week I will be heading to D.C. with my family and then after they leave one week till I change host family again. Well I just thought you guys should get a little peak into my life again, before I'm heading back home (yeah, time flies by here!).
søndag den 11. december 2011
tirsdag den 6. december 2011
a little from my Hip-Hop assesment.
"I've been led on my way, with knowledge and understanding of the world today.
Hip-Hop is changing it's course, but one thing will always stay, the stories of lives, the history and spirit of change."
torsdag den 1. december 2011
And then thanksgiv.... Chrismas? came.
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